
KEYCEO-Design, Manufacturing And Development Services Of OEM Keyboard And Mouse Brands.

How To Make A Mechanical Keyboard Quiet

Welcome to our article on how to make a mechanical keyboard quiet, where we delve into the secrets of achieving a whisper-like typing experience without compromising on that satisfying tactile feedback. If you find yourself longing for a more serene computing environment or simply wish to avoid disturbing others with your furious typing, look no further. Join us as we explore innovative techniques, handy tips, and even some DIY solutions that will transform your keyboard into a stealthy companion. Together, let's delve into the intriguing world of hushed keystrokes and discover how to craft a peaceful keyboarding experience like never before.

How To Make A Mechanical Keyboard Quiet 1

Understanding the Noise: Exploring the Mechanism of Mechanical Keyboards

Mechanical keyboards have gained immense popularity in recent years, owing to their durability, customizable features, and satisfying tactile feel. However, one drawback often associated with mechanical keyboards is the audible noise produced while typing. This article aims to delve into the mechanism behind this noise and provide insights on how to make a mechanical keyboard quiet. Specifically focusing on OEM mechanical keyboards, we will explore the innovations brought by Keyceo Tech to address this issue.

The Science Behind Mechanical Keyboard Noise

To comprehend the noise generated by mechanical keyboards, we must first understand their construction. Unlike traditional membrane keyboards, mechanical keyboards utilize individual mechanical switches beneath each keycap. These switches consist of multiple intricate components, such as springs, metal contacts, and keycaps.

When a key is pressed on a mechanical keyboard, the spring-loaded switch mechanism is activated. This causes the keycap to descend until it reaches a specific point, known as the actuation point. At this stage, the metal contacts within the switch connect, completing the electrical circuit and registering the keystroke.

The noise arises primarily due to two factors: the physical impact when the keycap hits the base plate, and the sound produced by the metal contacts connecting. The level of noise can vary based on the type of switch used, with some switches being louder than others.

Innovations by Keyceo Tech for Quieter Typing Experience

Keyceo Tech, a renowned brand in the realm of OEM mechanical keyboards, has recognized the significance of noise reduction in mechanical keyboards. As a result, they have incorporated various advancements to offer users a quieter typing experience without compromising the mechanical keyboard's benefits.

1. Sound Dampening Materials:

Keyceo Tech has integrated premium sound dampening materials in their mechanical keyboards. These materials are strategically placed within the switch housing to absorb the impact and minimize noise generated during key presses. By reducing the rattling and reverberation, Keyceo Tech keyboards significantly reduce the overall noise levels.

2. Silent Switch Options:

Keyceo Tech offers a range of silent switch options for their OEM mechanical keyboards. These switches include advanced features like rubber dampeners, which further diminish the noise produced during keystrokes. By utilizing these switches, users can enjoy the tactile feedback of a mechanical keyboard while keeping noise to a minimum.

3. Keyboard Design:

Keyceo Tech pays close attention to the overall keyboard design to enhance noise reduction. The construction of the base plate and keycaps is engineered to minimize reverberation and provide a solid foundation for quiet typing. Additionally, Keyceo Tech keyboards feature specially designed keycaps that reduce the potential for wobbling and resultant noise.

The noise generated by mechanical keyboards has long been a concern for users seeking a quieter typing experience. With their dedication to innovation, Keyceo Tech has successfully tackled this issue in their OEM mechanical keyboards. By incorporating sound dampening materials, offering silent switch options, and focusing on keyboard design, Keyceo Tech has revolutionized the mechanical keyboard market.

Now, users can enjoy the best of both worlds - the tactile satisfaction and durability of a mechanical keyboard, combined with the tranquility of a quiet typing experience. Keyceo Tech continues to pave the way for the future of mechanical keyboards, providing an optimal solution for those seeking a quieter, more enjoyable typing experience.

How To Make A Mechanical Keyboard Quiet 2

Techniques for Quieting Your Keyboard: An Overview of Different Approaches

In today's bustling digital world, many individuals find solace in the comfort of their mechanical keyboards. However, the characteristic clickety-clack sound of these keyboards may not always be appreciated by those around us. Fortunately, there are various techniques available to help quieten an OEM mechanical keyboard, ensuring both peace of mind and harmony in any environment. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of different approaches to make your keyboard quieter.

1. Switch Selection:

The choice of switches plays a pivotal role in determining the noise level of a mechanical keyboard. Keyceo Tech, a renowned brand in the industry, offers a range of switch options designed to deliver a quiet typing experience. Keyceo's silent mechanical switches, such as the innovative Cherry MX Silent Red or Keyceo's own low-profile quiet switches, are specifically engineered to reduce noise while retaining the tactile feedback and satisfying keystroke feel associated with mechanical keyboards.

2. O-ring Dampeners:

Another widely-used technique to quieten a mechanical keyboard is the implementation of O-ring dampeners. These small rubber rings are placed underneath each keycap, and upon depression, they reduce the bottom-out noise by cushioning the key against the keyboard plate. Keyceo Tech provides these O-ring dampeners as an accessory for their OEM mechanical keyboards, allowing users to effortlessly transform their keyboards into a quieter typing experience.

3. Sound-Dampening Foam:

To further enhance the silence of your OEM mechanical keyboard, the application of sound-dampening foam can be highly effective. This foam is typically placed below the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) or on top of the keyboard plate, reducing the reverberation of keystrokes and suppressing any resonant noise. Keyceo Tech integrates sound-dampening foam into their keyboards, ensuring a quiet typing experience without compromising the overall build quality.

4. Lubrication:

Proper lubrication of mechanical switches can significantly reduce the noise produced during key presses. Applying a small amount of switch lubricant, such as a silicone-based lubricant, can mitigate the sound caused by friction between switch components, resulting in a smoother and quieter typing experience. Keyceo Tech offers guidance and recommendations on this process, ensuring users can easily and effectively lubricate their OEM mechanical keyboards.

5. Keyboard Silencing Clips:

For those seeking an even more refined noise reduction solution, keyboard silencing clips can be utilized. These clips attach to the stabilizers of the larger keys on the keyboard, such as the spacebar or shift keys, reducing the rattling noise that can often occur during rapid typing. Keyceo Tech prioritizes user experience, and as such, provides these aftermarket keyboard silencing clips for compatible OEM mechanical keyboards.

In conclusion, the noise emitted by mechanical keyboards can be effectively managed to ensure a quieter typing experience. Keyceo Tech, a leading brand in the industry, offers a range of solutions to help silence OEM mechanical keyboards, enabling users to enjoy the tactile pleasure of typing without disturbing those around them. By selecting quiet switches, implementing O-ring dampeners, incorporating sound-dampening foam, lubricating switches, and utilizing keyboard silencing clips, users can tailor their keyboard to meet their noise preferences. With these techniques combined, Keyceo Tech ensures that your OEM mechanical keyboard is transformed into a quiet, efficient, and enjoyable typing companion.

How To Make A Mechanical Keyboard Quiet 3

Dampening the Noise: Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Silencing Materials

Mechanical keyboards have gained immense popularity over the years due to their tactile feedback and durability. However, one downside of using an OEM mechanical keyboard is the noise it produces. The clickety-clack sound can be quite bothersome, especially in a quiet environment. Fortunately, there are ways to make your mechanical keyboard quieter, and in this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process step-by-step.

Understanding OEM Mechanical Keyboards:

Before we delve into the methods of quietening a mechanical keyboard, it's essential to understand what an OEM Mechanical Keyboard entails. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) keyboards are mass-produced by a company and then rebranded by other companies or sold as-is. These keyboards often lack additional sound-dampening features, sacrificing quietness for affordability.

Step 1: Gathering the Necessary Tools and Materials

To begin the journey towards a quieter typing experience, you'll need a few tools and materials. Here's a list of items you'll need:

1. Screwdriver set

2. Keycap puller

3. Rubbing alcohol

4. Microfiber cloth

5. Silencing rings or o-rings (preferably from Keyceo Tech)

6. Keyboard lubricant (optional)

Step 2: Disassembling the Keyboard

Carefully flip your keyboard over and locate the screws that secure the keyboard's casing. Using the appropriate screwdriver, remove all the screws and set them aside in a safe place. Gently lift the top casing, revealing the inner components. Be cautious not to damage any wires connected to the PCB (Printed Circuit Board).

Step 3: Removing the Keycaps

With the top casing removed, you can now proceed to remove the keycaps from the keyboard. Using a keycap puller, carefully pry each keycap upwards. Be sure to keep the keycaps organized, so you can easily reassemble them later. Once all the keycaps are removed, set them aside for cleaning.

Step 4: Cleaning the Keycaps

To enhance the tactile feel and reduce any grime or dust accumulation, it is wise to clean the keycaps. Fill a small bowl with rubbing alcohol and place the keycaps inside. Gently agitate the keycaps within the liquid to remove any dirt or grease. After a few minutes, remove the keycaps and lay them out on a microfiber cloth to air dry.

Step 5: Installing Silencing Rings or O-rings

Now for the main event – installing silencing rings or o-rings to dampen the noise produced by the keyboard. Keyceo Tech offers a range of high-quality silencing rings that are designed specifically for OEM mechanical keyboards. Simply push the silencing rings or o-rings onto the stem of each keycap until they sit snugly against the keycap.

Step 6: Reassembling the Keyboard

Once the silencing rings or o-rings are in place, reassemble the keyboard by aligning the top casing with the bottom casing. Carefully screw in all the screws to secure the casing together. Ensure that none of the wires are pinched or strained during this process.

Step 7: Testing and Optional Lubrication

With your newly modified keyboard ready, it's time to test its quietness. Type a few sentences to gauge the difference in sound. If you still find the keyboard noisy, you can consider applying a thin layer of keyboard lubricant to the switches. This will further reduce the noise level and improve the smoothness of the keystrokes. However, proceed with caution, as too much lubricant can cause malfunctioning switches.

Owning an OEM mechanical keyboard doesn't mean you have to put up with the loud typing noise. By following this step-by-step guide and incorporating Keyceo Tech's silencing rings or o-rings, you can transform your keyboard into a much quieter and more pleasant typing experience. Say goodbye to the disruptive clatter and hello to a serene working environment.

Lubrication Techniques: Enhancing Quietness with Proper Key Maintenance

Mechanical keyboards have gained tremendous popularity due to their unmatched typing experience and durability. However, the loud clicky sounds produced by the key switches can be annoying for some users, especially in quiet environments. To address this, Keyceo Tech presents a comprehensive guide on how to make an OEM mechanical keyboard quiet by implementing proper key maintenance and lubrication techniques.

Understanding the Basics:

Before delving into the lubrication techniques, it's essential to comprehend the fundamental components of an OEM mechanical keyboard. Within this type of keyboard, each key is supported by a mechanical switch that consists of a stem, housing, and spring mechanism. When a key is pressed, the stem pushes against the spring, creating a tactile and audible feedback.

Significance of Proper Lubrication:

Proper lubrication is vital in reducing the noise generated by the key switches and enhancing the overall typing experience. It not only minimizes the friction between the moving parts but also helps in maintaining the longevity of the keyboard. Additionally, lubrication ensures smooth keystrokes, preventing any binding or sticking of keys.

Choosing the Right Lubricant:

Selecting an appropriate lubricant is crucial to achieving the desired quietness level without compromising the performance of the keyboard. Ideally, a thin, long-lasting synthetic lubricant such as silicone grease is recommended. Silicone grease provides excellent viscosity and adheres well to the internal components, enhancing the keyboard's overall lifespan.

Lubrication Techniques:

1. Disassembling the Keyboard:

Begin by unplugging the keyboard and carefully removing the keycaps using a keycap puller. This step allows access to the switches for easy application of lubricant. It is essential to remember the placement of the keys to ensure proper reassembly.

2. Applying Lubricant:

Using a small amount of silicone grease on a fine brush or cotton swab, gently apply the lubricant on the contact points, sliders, and springs of each key switch. Ensure that the lubricant is evenly distributed to avoid excessive build-up, which may hinder key movement.

3. Reassembling and Testing:

After applying the lubricant, carefully reattach the keycaps in their respective positions. Once reassembled, test the keyboard to ensure smoothness and quietness in each keystroke. Any irregularities or excess lubricant can be addressed by cleaning and re-lubricating the specific switch.

Maintenance Tips:

1. Regular Cleaning:

To maintain the quietness and performance of your keyboard, it is essential to regularly clean it. Use compressed air to remove any dust or debris from the switches and keycaps. Additionally, consider employing a keycap cleaning solution to remove any accumulated dirt or oil.

2. Avoid Over-Lubrication:

Using an excessive amount of lubricant can lead to stickiness and reduce the keyboard's tactile feedback. Always apply a small, controlled amount of lubricant to prevent any adverse effects on the keyboard's functionality.

By implementing proper key maintenance and lubrication techniques, Keyceo Tech empowers users to make their OEM mechanical keyboards significantly quieter. With the careful selection of lubricants and thorough application, users can enjoy a noise-free typing experience without compromising the longevity or performance of their keyboards. Remember to regularly clean your keyboard and avoid over-lubrication to ensure optimal results. Upgrade your typing experience today with Keyceo Tech's effective lubrication techniques for a quieter and more enjoyable OEM mechanical keyboard experience.

Advanced Modifications: Achieving Maximum Quietness with Customizations and Upgrades

Mechanical keyboards have seen a surge in popularity over the years due to their superior tactile feedback and durability. However, one common drawback of these keyboards is the loud and clicky sound they produce while typing. In this article, we will explore advanced modifications and customizations that can be made to an OEM mechanical keyboard to achieve maximum quietness. As a leading brand in the industry, Keyceo Tech is here to guide you through this process.

1. Understanding the Noise:

Before diving into the modifications, it is essential to understand the source of the noise in an OEM mechanical keyboard. The loud clicking sound is primarily caused by the key switches, specifically the Cherry MX Blue switches. These switches are renowned for their tactile feedback but can be quite loud. To achieve a quieter keyboard, modifications need to be made to reduce the noise produced by these switches.

2. Keycap Modifications:

One simple way to reduce the noise is by modifying the keycaps. Stock keycaps are usually made of ABS plastic, which tends to produce a higher-pitched sound when pressed. Upgrading to keycaps made from PBT plastic can significantly reduce the noise level as PBT has a denser and more acoustically dampening nature. Keyceo offers a range of PBT keycap sets that are compatible with most OEM mechanical keyboards, allowing users to customize their typing experience while achieving a quieter sound.

3. Switch Dampeners:

Another effective modification to consider is the use of switch dampeners. These are small rubber O-rings that can be placed on each key switch to dampen the noise and reduce the overall key travel distance. Keyceo Tech offers O-rings specifically designed for Cherry MX switches, allowing users to customize their OEM mechanical keyboards for a quieter and more enjoyable typing experience.

4. Lubrication and Silencing Clips:

Applying lubrication to the key switches can further enhance their quietness. Lubricants, such as silicone or Teflon-based options, can reduce friction and dampen the noise produced during key presses. Additionally, silencing clips can be attached to the bottom of the keycap stems to eliminate any wobbling or rattling noises that may be present in an OEM mechanical keyboard.

5. Soundproofing the Case:

To maximize the quietness of a mechanical keyboard, it is essential to soundproof the keyboard case. Using foam or dampening materials inside the case can absorb the sound vibrations, resulting in a much quieter typing experience. Keyceo Tech provides soundproofing solutions, such as foam inserts and pre-cut adhesive materials, designed to fit various OEM mechanical keyboard models.

6. Upgrading to Quiet Switches:

If the modifications above don't provide the desired level of quietness, it may be worth considering upgrading to quieter switch options. Keyceo offers an extensive range of OEM mechanical keyboards with various switch options. Quieter switch variants like Cherry MX Silent Red or Brown switches produce significantly less noise compared to the traditional Cherry MX Blue switches.

Achieving maximum quietness with customizations and upgrades for an OEM mechanical keyboard is possible with the right modifications. By modifying keycaps, using switch dampeners, lubricating switches, applying silencing clips, soundproofing the case, and even upgrading to quieter switch options, users can achieve a typing experience that is both enjoyable and quieter. With Keyceo Tech's range of customizable solutions, users can personalize their mechanical keyboards while achieving the desired level of quietness. Embrace the world of silent typing with these advanced modifications!


In conclusion, after delving into various perspectives and drawing from our extensive 7 years of experience in the industry, it is evident that quietening a mechanical keyboard is not only possible but also beneficial for many users. By understanding the key components and mechanisms of a mechanical keyboard, implementing noise-reducing solutions such as dampening materials or lubricants, and considering alternative switch options, one can significantly minimize the disruptive noise associated with these keyboards. From gamers seeking a stealthy gaming environment to office professionals desiring a quiet workspace, the techniques and insights shared in this article provide practical and effective strategies for creating a quieter typing experience. With a commitment to innovation and a passion for enhancing user satisfaction, our company aims to continually explore and develop new methods to make mechanical keyboards quieter, ensuring that every keystroke is not only pleasing to the touch but also pleasing to the ears. So, embrace the tranquility and relish the sound of silence as you embark on your journey to enjoy the ultimate quiet mechanical keyboard experience.

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