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CHERRY MX LP 2.1 & MX LP 6.1 Wireless Mechanical Keyboard Review: Thinking about Change

  2018年CHERRY研发并推出了全新的MX Low Profile轴体,保留原有机械手感的同时,有着更低的高度和更小的噪音,不仅可以为键盘带来更加轻薄的体积,也令其更便于携带,并获得了很多办公用户和部分游戏玩家的使用与认可。随着矮轴机械键盘的接受度逐步提升,CHERRY也在近期带来了两款全新的矮轴机械键盘,采用小尺寸配列布局,三模连接方案,更是提供了两种机身材质选择与多款配色风格,接下来就让笔者带来MX LP 2.1&MX LP 6.1这两款无线机械键盘的评测吧。


CHERRY provides two wireless keyboard products this time, named MX LP 2.1 and MX LP 6.1 respectively. The outer packaging continues CHERRY’s consistent and simple packaging style. The gift box-style hard carton packaging is easy to distinguish through the packaging and the model sticker on the side.

In terms of accessories, USB Type-C cables, wireless adapters, product manuals and promotional cards are provided. Among them, MX LP 6.1 also comes with a frosted acrylic dust cover and fixed rubber sleeve, and the accessories are still very practical.


CHERRY MX LP 2.1 wireless mechanical keyboard adopts the very popular small-size arrangement scheme. The 68-key layout provides a complete input area, and provides independent direction keys and function keys, which can meet most users' daily needs. The compact body size and plastic bottom shell also make it lighter, which can easily meet the daily needs of some users when going out. The author's MX LP 2.1 wireless mechanical keyboard uses milky white and light chocolate keycaps. The pink arrow keys and ESC keys also have a very good visual embellishment effect. The overall color matching is still very online. The keyboard adopts the common floating design of the one-piece bottom shell, which can improve the lighting and visual performance of the keyboard, and is also more convenient for daily cleaning.

Although the bottom shell of this keyboard is made of plastic, it has a marble-like snow pattern, which looks like dancing snowflakes and a starry sky, which has a sense of high-end.

  CHERRY MX LP 6.1无线机械键盘同样采用68键位配列方案,底壳升级为铝合金一体成型底壳,在触感与视觉质感上也有不小的提升。在机身方案上也采用了一体式底壳的悬浮式设计,配合黑金、香槟金两款不同的键帽搭配,也进一步提升了整体的视觉质感表现。作为小尺寸配列键盘,CHERRY MX LP 2.1&MX LP 6.1这两款键盘都加入了丰富的组合键位功能,键位功能布局也保持一致,通过FN功能键,可以轻松实现连接模式切换、蓝牙信道切换、F区键位功能、多媒体控制、灯光控制、调用系统程序及部分功能键位,键位功能非常完备,应对日常使用也是足够的。并且,键帽上也对键位功能进行了标识,方便用户使用,考虑非常周全。

  CHERRY MX LP 2.1&MX LP 6.1无线机械键盘除去底壳材质和稍许设计不同外,在机身结构布局上基本保持一致,均采用了键线分离方案,细节部分也有小的变动优化。两款键盘在顶端侧面均提供了中置的USB Type-C接口,左侧是一枚电源开关,而CHERRY MX LP 6.1还加入了塑料材质的信号优化结构,可以减少金属底壳对于无线信号的屏蔽干扰,进一步保证无线状态下的稳定性,细节处理还是非常到位的。

In terms of the bottom treatment, the two keyboards are also slightly different. The bottom of CHERRY MX LP 2.1 provides four round non-slip feet, and the upper two can be flipped and installed, plus the small slope of the bottom shell The processing can make the keyboard and the desktop form a more suitable inclination angle for input.

The bottom of CHERRY MX LP 6.1 adopts a flat plan, and a one-piece support is added to the top, and four long strips of non-slip feet are provided to avoid the sliding displacement of the keyboard during use.


In terms of switch configuration, these two keyboards are equipped with MX Low Profile switches, and provide two different switch combinations, red switches and silver switches, with a lifespan of about 100 million taps in terms of durability and reliability. Also has a good performance. The red switch has a trigger force of 45cN, a trigger stroke of 1.2mm, and a total stroke of 3.2mm. It feels light and short, and the press is relatively smooth. The trigger force of the silver axis is still 45cN, the trigger stroke is 1.0mm, and the total stroke is 3.2mm. With a shorter trigger stroke, the hand feels more compact and short, and the pressing response is faster. Both shafts use a circular cross shaft with a dust-proof wall, which makes the pressing feel stable and smooth, and at the same time prevents dust from intruding, so that the percussion life and feel can be maintained for a longer time. The satellite axis scheme is adopted for the large key position, and the pressing performance is relatively crisp, the rebound is neat and refreshing, and the hand feel is relatively good.

The keycaps are coated with ABS material, and the height is about two-thirds of the height of the original keycaps. It also has an ergonomic step design, making it easier and more comfortable for users to tap. The keycaps are delicate and comfortable to the touch, not sticky to the hand, and the feel performance is still very good. The character part adopts a slender font scheme and closed character technology, which still looks very delicate. The light-transmitting keycap solution is also helpful in improving the lighting performance. The second key function logo on the keycap also supports light transmission. It can be seen that this set of keycaps is still very careful in the workmanship and details.

RGB backlight:

  CHERRY MX LP 2.1&MX LP 6.1无线机械键盘均支持约1680万色的RGB背光方案,用户可以通过组合键位或驱动软件来对灯效模式、色彩、亮度、动态速度等进行调节,丰富的灯光调节选项,也带来更多的灯光玩法。悬浮式设计搭配银色的定位板也带来了更好的灯光表现,灯光观感柔和自然,动态效果也很流畅自然,键帽间适中的间隙也完全被灯光填满,有着更好的视觉观感表现。透光键帽字符在灯光映衬下也更加清晰明亮,对于灯效表现或是夜间辨识都很不错。

Use test:

Through the CHERRY assistant driver software, users can also simply and intuitively adjust the lighting mode, color, brightness, dynamic speed and other functions, which is very convenient. At the same time, the user can also reset the key functions. There are also a variety of options preset in the driver, which is convenient for the user to choose and use. custom made.

  CHERRY MX LP 2.1&MX LP 6.1无线机械键盘均提供了有线、CAWT无线技术和蓝牙5.2三种连接方式,可以轻松适配当下主流的操作系统及移动设备,在兼容表现上还是非常不错的,也让用户可以在多平台、多设备间无缝切换使用。CHERRY自研的CAWT无线技术连接稳定,抗干扰强,并且支持1000Hz回报率设定,应对大部分游戏场景也是毫无问题的。机身内置了2800mAh锂电池,灯光关闭状态下可以提供最长约200小时的续航时长,满足用户日常使用还是足够的。配合USB Type-C接口和边充边用方案,用户也可以放心使用,无需担心续航不足的问题。通过驱动软件,用户还可以对灯光休眠和键盘休眠进行设置,进一步节省电量,获得更长时间的续航表现。

  CHERRY MX LP 2.1&MX LP 6.1无线机械键盘相较传统键盘有着更窄的机身尺寸,对于空间占用也更少,可以轻松放置在电脑包、背包中,轻巧的机身方案也不会带来明显的负重感,对于用户外出使用还是非常友好的。三模连接方案操作简单使用,可以让用户在不同设备间自由切换使用,可以更好的满足多设备用户的日常使用需求。MX Low Profile轴体的加入,也为键盘带来了更好的手感反馈和更快的触发响应,配合独有的电竞模式与全键无冲方案,也能轻松应对各类游戏场景使用,整体表现还是非常不错的。


  CHERRY MX LP 2.1&MX LP 6.1无线机械键盘有着精致的外观设计,不同风格的键帽搭配也进一步提升了整体的颜值表现。主流的三模连接搭配矮轴方案,也为当下小尺寸配列键盘带来了全新的选择,而在键盘的功能性、灯光表现上也为用户带来了更好的使用体验,综合表现还是非常不错的。这两款键盘将于近期正式发售,喜欢的用户不妨多多关注一下。

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