
KEYCEO-Design, Manufacturing And Development Services Of OEM Keyboard And Mouse Brands.

Computer Mouse Broken? Need Help Fixing It...?

computer mouse broken? need help fixing it...?

Computer Mouse Broken? Need Help Fixing It...? 1

Unscrew the ball ring,take the ball out and clean the rollers.Anyway those mice cost like $5


What are the stps to fix the computer mouse?

try a different usb port

Computer Mouse Broken? Need Help Fixing It...? 2


Computer mouse isn't working well?

Check the couch for loose change, you will probably find enough to buy a new mouse. They are dirt cheap!


If I get a cat, will it try to eat my computer mouse?

are U KIDDING ME ?????? GO TO SCHOOL!!!!!


my computer mouse is acting very strange?

Face the facts: Trackpad is not working, mouse is not working, so it is not the mouse. You are too focused. Widen your view. The problem is surely the OS. Which version? EDIT: Trying to offer suggestions about fixing OS ____, but I need you to fill in the blank.


When can a child learn to use a computer mouse?

I think around 3-5 thou my son grab the mouse around 2 years open lot of tab and thinks it's just a click click, a toy. So find an unused mouse to help your child with a mouse


My computer mouse keep spazzing out !?

Are you using a laptop touchpad? or a mouse. If its a laser mouse, you need a solid color, non reflective surface or else it will spaz out like that. If its the touchpad, im not sure. My touchpad freaks out sometimes, i usually just wait for a minute and starts working right again


What kind of computer mouse is the best to get?

i love my optical mouse with retractable wire. the best in my book. plenty pros no cons. have good day


Apple iMac computer mouse and keyboard problems.?

go into System Preferences for your mouse and keyboard. You should be able to set your preferences, again. You can use the "lock" feature to prevent this happening again. Good luck. =]


Other than your computer and mouse, what is the closest item to you?

My cellphone! lol :)


Does anybody know how to clean a computer mouse?

Get optical mouse, they cheap and never need cleaning, they 10 time more accurate tahn ball mouse, they like 10-15 bucks


Which company invented the computer mouse (which was taken by Apple)?

The ball replaced the wheels and was capable of monitoring movement in any diection. The mouse became part of the ground breaking Xerox Alto computer system which was the first minicomputer system to offer a graphical user interface."


Question about a computer mouse :]?

A pair of computer mouse's. Two computer mouse's. Since they do not belong to the real animal kingdom.


why does my computer mouse sometimes not work?

What an amazing coincidence ! Mine did exactly the same this week and I kept unplugging it and re-plugging it to make it work. Finally I went to my local computer store and bought a new LOGITECH Optical mouse model SBF90 for $7,99 It works beautifully and my worries are over Yours will be too if you just get a new mouse from you local computer store. Mine has a 60 day warranty. I never thought a computer mouse had a LIFE SPAN but it now appears they do. Something like a hard drive which, by the way are ONLY guaranteed for 90 days since some of them just have defects. Such accessories, I am told are made on assembly lines of 100 a minute and doubtless NO QUALITY control (meaning they chck each one for defects). Hope you get a new one right away.


How much does a normal computer mouse cost?

from ten to twenty dollars at walmart,you can even get a wireless mouse for about the same


help me find my computer mouse?

Lol, you've left it somewhere? Try calling it - here mousy mousy =D


what's inside of a computer mouse?

And the movement of this ball is tracked using rotary mechanical sensors whose moment is in turn converted into electrical signals processed by the Central Processing Unit of the Computer. If its an Optical mouse, it emitts light and the variation in light due to movement of the mouse is converted to electrical signals using photoelectric cells. And these signals get processed in the Central Processing Unit.


why has my computer mouse started jumping and freezing?

I have had the exact problem, my pc would even freeze suddenly and would boot to gray flickering screen ( unless I unplug it, pc would not boot). I decided to remove every hardware (apart from the cpu and its fan), and remounted them. I also taped every open ended cable to prevent short circuiting . Now it is working just fine, without any jumping mouse nor pc freezing. (Ps: I might have plugged in cables from case to mainboard wrongfully, previously. not so sure of this but this possibility is worth considering. just check if /- poles of the cables on mainboard from case are correct.)

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