
KEYCEO-Design, Manufacturing And Development Services Of OEM Keyboard And Mouse Brands.

Does Anyone Know What to Do to Fix a Computer with a Mouse That Wont Stop Freezing!?!?!?

does anyone know what to do to fix a computer with a mouse that wont stop freezing!?!?!?

Does Anyone Know What to Do to Fix a Computer with a Mouse That Wont Stop Freezing!?!?!? 1

try uninstalling mouse driver , and reinstall it. is it a optical mouse or scroll ball mouse. if scroll ball mouse, then open it and clean it on the sides. Hope these help


Anyone know whats wrong with my computer mouse?

better buy a new mouse

Does Anyone Know What to Do to Fix a Computer with a Mouse That Wont Stop Freezing!?!?!? 2


My computer and mouse froze up?

Press CTRL ALT Delete key at the same time. Task Manager screen should pop - up. Click on the menu item that lists the screen that froze up. Then click end task...or you can click restart computer


What is the sniper button on a computer mouse? What purpose does it serve?

As the name suggests, this is for fps games where there are scoped, long range, high power weaponry. It lowers the DPI of the mouseu2019s sensor while the button is held, and gives you more control over the aim by moving a lot slower


How do you remove semen from a computer mouse and keyboard?

Just use a tissue or a wet cloth


Will a computer mouse work if it has been dropped in the water?

Yes dry it good my computer was in the flood full of water and mud when it dried up it worked fine


If you are talking about a (computer) mouse in the plural...?

Meece. (Seriously, the industry accepts mice, mouses and rodents, even though mouses is grammatically incorrect.)


Is this unbranded chinese computer mouse dangerous?

Go to the store and just buy a cheap $20 mouse


What are the pros and cons of a computer mouse?

My keyboard drawer doesn't accommodate a keyboard plus a mouse so I started using a track ball. Since making that change I got rid of all my mice and use only trackballs. I specifically use Logitech Marble Mouse because it allows you to use your fingers to move the ball. I tried a couple track balls that required moving the ball with a thumb but that became painful.The drawbacks of mice are that you have to move the entire device around. That means you have to have room to do that. Mice with a ball inside get dirty a lot. Both mice with a ball and LED mice require an appropriate surface to work, though the two types of mice require different surfaces


How much does this computer mouse go for?

there's no definitive observe, 'Mice' and 'Mouses' are the two used, yet neither test appropriate. In answer to this query it replaced into reported that 'Rodents' be used, and that i've got seen information superhighway sites the place those contraptions are labeled as 'Rodents' or 'suggestions'


Do you use a computer mouse? And if you do what mouse would you recommend?

Beg your pardon, but it would be more interesting to know who DOES NOT use a mouse. I started using the mouse since 1992, and by 1995 it become a must, even for programs that were run under MS-DOS, not just for Windows.I use with pleasure several mouses from Microsoft, they are good to use and reliable. Also with pleasure I see that in the past two years wireless mouses have very low power consumption, the battery lasts a looong time Since 1008 I also have laptops, but I never got to fully using their touchpad, I always connect a mouse.


My Computer mouse won't work! PLEASE HELP! A-SAP!?

Just buy a new mouse. I dunno what to say about the USBs. Have your computer worked on by a professional b/c something's not right with the way u installed the parts


computer mouse: how is the ball held firmly in place and yet is still free to move?

The opening where the ball touches the mouse pad is not wider than the diameter of the ball, so it wo not come out. If you lift it off the pad, you can feel it sag to the bottom, due to weight of the ball.


Why haven't we had a battery-less wireless computer mouse yet?

Ok, here's a little experiment you can do. Get a small electric motor, out of a toy or something, and connect an LED across the terminals. Now spin the motor with your fingers to make the LED light for, say, five seconds continuously. See how hard that is?Now think about how you are going to generate that much power just to light the mouse LED, let alone run the electronics and the RF transmitter. There is just not enough energy in your hand movement or the vibrations at your desk.Why have not we had a battery-less wireless computer mouse yet?.

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