You could use the shoe box, if you monitored it so that the mouse does not get out, but a cage would be much better. I am not sure if the foil would work, never tried or heard of that. If you used the shoebox, it should have plenty of very small sized holes in it. I got my cage for $10 and it's a good one (it was on sale, however), so maybe you could purchase one (if you do, make sure the bars are quite close together so the mouse can not escape). It will definitely need a water bottle (you can get a cheap one for about $4 at a pet shop) and it should be hung up on the side of the enclosure (once again, a cage works best). You should put something in the enclosure for the mouse to sleep and feel safe in. This could be a toilet paper roll, empty butter/marg container etc. If you put more than one toilet roll in, mice do like to run through them. Perhaps you could get the cage from your friends house???
Is there a way to order a pet mouse online and have it delivered?
no all online sites have you pick the animal up unless its a dog or a cat but not a mouse car drives are really the only way that wont kill the mouse just go to a f*****g pet store how hard is that?
mouse not working properly when playing games?
If a digital mouse: Try - Start >>Control Panel >> Mouse >> Mouse Properties. Adjust the settings and 'hope' for an improvement. You could also check if the problem exists on another computer. If yes - replace the mouse. If it's an old style mouse with a rubber ball, it MAY need cleaned out.
Magic Mouse Not Very Smooth When Physically Moving It Around
I simply took cellulose tape strips and stick them on the rubber feet under the mouse. It works great! Its as smooth as it can be and simple to do
How to catch a wild mouse without killing it?
YUP. I used this trick on all my pet hamsters, I am sure it will work for him too.but you gotta pay close attention to your *trap*. Get a box about 2 - 3 feet tall, and have a ramp up to the top of the open box. .(a blanket can work, or some plywood) . .and make sure to put peanut butter and or cheese inside it for the mouse.especially near where it hangs out.then, wait for it and put a lid on it. Carry it to a field or a park and set it free. Alley ways are not bad places either, but. .do not tell anyone I told you that.
Packard Bell oneTwo L18525 Wireless Mouse & Keyboard Freezing?
I also have this problem with a Packard Bell EasyNote TJ175 and a bluetooth mouse When that happens I turn off the mouse for a few seconds (maybe 10-30) and I switch it on again
My Cat Ate A Mouse Yesterday And Now She's Lethargic?
Well first if you feel she is not acting normal and seems sick you need to take it to a vet to have checked out. Its very possible that the mouse ate those peanuts so I would get it in to the doc ASAP. If things worsen there are some animal hospitals that stay open 24/7 but they are hard to find. Hope your cat gets better :).
my mouse dosnt work on my laptop?
Let me get this straight,you have 2 mice that you cant use on your laptop right? One mouse you have just bought and tried to use it on your laptop but didnt work, then your tried to use the old mouse to see if its working right? If both devices does not work on your laptop then maybe there is somethin wrong with the laptop. You said that when you plug in the mouse the light lits up then goes out. Does it go out completely or what? If it does go out completely then maybe the problem is on the laptop's ports. Maybe its not generating enough voltage to powerup the mouse. Also what do you mean by installing and updating the mouse. Mouses generally dont need to be installed on the computer, its just plug and play.