How switch Mac UK PC keyboard layout backslash and backtick to match normal UK PC layout
Make sure you have configured the Keyboard settings under Keyboard > Change Keyboard Type... first.Once you have configured the Mac in ISO mode the right settings should be applied, you may need to remove and add the input device (British -PC) afterwards
Why is the keyboard layout Q-W-E-R-T-Y and not simply A-B-C-D-E-F?
It has not been done randomly or just for fun, it has a very distinct and purposeful reason behind it. The current format of the keyboard was devised long back in 1870's by a gentleman named Christopher Sholes. Though, it definitely was not the first format to come up, it did not take much time to switch to this one. Starting with lexicographic order i.e. A-B-C-D-E-F, after various trials and errors and taking hundreds of cases, Christopher Sholes gradually reached the Q-W-E-R-T-Y. It was really well received (evident from the fact that we still use it). When the typewriter was invented, it used a metal bar to hold the character alphabets and the other end of the bar was attached to a linkage carrying a carriage with the coated ink. When a key was struck, it would emboss its character on the paper placed beneath the carriage. However, when an operator learned to type at a great speed, a certain flaw invoked. When two letters were struck in quick succession, the bars of the typewriter would entangle and get jammed.
How do I type the degree symbol under X11 (using a default English keyboard layout)?
Set up a Compose key. On Ubuntu, this is easily done in the keyboard preferences, "Layout" tab, "Options" subdialog. Caps Lock is a good choice as it's pretty much useless (all remotely serious editors have a command to make the selection uppercase for the rare times it's needed).Press Compose followed by two characters (occasionally three) to enter a character you do not have on your keyboard. Usually the resulting character combines the two characters you type, for example Compose ' a enters and Compose s s enters . The degree symbol is one of the less memorable combinations, it's on Compose o o
Change to an different keyboard layout when entering passwords
Have you tried hitting this key?Or you can try this free app which will allow you to use an Arabic keyboard on your iPad.EDIT: Here is a great walk trough on how to do this...
where online can i find the keyboard layout for tiger woods 08?
In game there should be a section when you pause either in a submenu, or by pressing options>controls. you want to look for where it says controls in either the main, or in game menu.
Static ordering of keyboard layout switching in Ubuntu 17.10 and later with GNOME 3
As a workaround you may set an alternative keyboard shortcut like altshift to switch between keyboard layouts (see this question for reference: Ubuntu 17.10 can not change the input switching shortcut to altshift).This shortcut should obey the "static ordering" you are looking for. A feature request has been filed by OP here
Gnome 3.22: disable altshift keyboard layout switching
In my case I am using Ubuntu 18.04. I was able to solve this problem by re-configuring my keyboard setting:
Keyboard layout issues using Ubuntu 12.04 in ssh via X11 for mac
I eventually fixed my problem, what I did exactly is:
How to disable automatic keyboard layout change in Windows 8?
The first part of the first answer is OK: Go to the control panel, go to "Languages," check your language options. Underneath each language you see a line saying "Input Language or just Input." Click on "change" or the existing language (dependent on the OS version). A long list of languages appears. I clicked on "U. S. International" and applied it. Now one of my language options says: German, Input language: US English international, which is my default language. That will prevent the switch to different keyboard layouts. My OS is Windows 8.1.In an intuitive OS, you would find this under "Keyboard -> Keyboard Layout" but Microsoft likes to play hide-and-seek a lot more than I do.
Thai Kedmanee keyboard layout
The Thai Kedmanee keyboard layout is the standard keyboard layout for typing the Thai language. It originated from the Thai typewriters introduced in the 1920s to replace older seven-row designs, and was simply known as the traditional layout until the 1970s, when it was named after its putative designer Suwanprasert Ketmanee (Thai: ) in order to distinguish it from the new alternative Pattachote layout. The Kedmanee layout was codified as Thai Industrial Standard 820-2531 in 1988, with an update (820-2538) in 1995, and is used as the default Thai input method on most computer systems. .